How to Simplify Your Life Today {Part 2}
I think I’m becoming more of a minimalist as I get older. Even though I’ve always loved simplicity and stillness, I now feel like I am living it in my late twenties. How would you simplify your life today? Simple but intentional.

Slowing down and simplifying your life brings about a sense of balance. Being still and knowing God cares for things brings a sense of contentment and joy. I’ve experienced this joy. I aim to share these tips with you today, hoping you will also experience them.
The first part of this post was published here on BPR last week. It is titled 10 Easy Tips to Simplify Your Life Today. If you want the quick rundown, I’ll let you review it in detail. I discussed the importance of self-love, nature, budgeting, reducing clutter, and reducing TV time in a simpler lifestyle.
We will continue our discussion about how to simplify your life today…
6) Pursue Your Passion. Evaluate your situation and make a change if you’re unhappy. Simplify your life and start now.
7) Meet Up with a Friend. Chat face-to-face without time constraints. Catch up over coffee and enjoy a great conversation. Reconnect with someone in person and take a break from your busy schedule.
8) Clean out your closet to simplify your life. Create a capsule wardrobe and donate or sell clothes you don’t need. Start by throwing a few items in a donation bag today.
9) Try an old-fashioned activity for fun. Make butter, churn clothes, or hang them to dry. Appreciate your skills and enjoy the slow pace.
10) Reduce clutter by taking the Clutter Clearing Challenge. Get rid of unused items to simplify your life.
Clutter Clearing Challenge
The Clutter Clearing Challenge is described in tip #10 above. I designed it to complement the two earlier posts here on BPR (see Pinterest).
We will finish the Clutter Clearing Challenge over the next ten weeks. This will help us get the clutter under control before the holidays.
What’s the holdup? You can simplify your life today by getting rid of clutter today. Here’s how. Good luck!

By now, you know I am into simplifying, slowing down, and being still.
Here is more information about these concepts. I adore them and strive to live them out more abundantly.