Homemade Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread Recipe with Simple Techniques

Learn how to make a simple homemade sourdough bread recipe in your kitchen. This homestead version of sourdough bread is a non-fussy technique that does not need complicated measurements or instructions. This recipe is perfect for people (like me). These people like a simple, hearty loaf. It doesn’t need much effort and time. What is…

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Loving The Country Life

Call me a redneck. Country bumpkin. A hick from the hills. Honestly, I’d say these are all compliments. I know most of these terms are considered derogatory. The way I look at it, I’d instead be considered any of these than a city slicker. But maybe that’s just me. I’m loving the country life! Loving…

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How to Simplify Your Life Today {Part 2}

I think I’m becoming more of a minimalist as I get older. Even though I’ve always loved simplicity and stillness, I now feel like I am living it in my late twenties. How would you simplify your life today? Simple but intentional. Slowing down and simplifying your life brings about a sense of balance. Being…

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How to Simplify Your Life {Part 1}

With a new school year underway, most of you are very busy. But to simplify your life is the last thing on your mind right now. What about slowing down? It was winter break, after all. But I have to disagree. If you want a simpler, more relaxed life, you can pursue it year-round. There is no better…

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Agriculture in the City

Agriculture in the City

In the last few years, I’ve had to adjust to living in town as a college student. People who grew up in “the middle of nowhere” (about 20 minutes to the nearest city) find street lights strange. They see things like pizza delivery and neighbors strange. Majoring in agriculture and not having a yard has…

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Homesteading Guide: Tips for Starting a Productive Homestead

Does starting a homestead from scratch overwhelming? Using this homesteading guide, you can return to the basics and overcome doubt and discomfort. Years ago, when I quit my job as a journalist, I fell in love with growing my food. You say that it was my gateway drug to homesteading! I quickly discovered a whole…

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